Bioeconomic modelling - land use and household welfare

My work on bio-economic modelling has focused primarily on land use and welfare changes of rural households in land abundant and land scarce environments, including assessments of:

Behavioural responses to changes in technologies, market characteristics, and policies

Impacts of increasing population pressures on intensification and extensification decisions

Impacts of structural adjustment policies on deforestation and household welfare

Impacts of droughts and increasing population pressures on land degradation and conservation incentives

The potential of more sustainable agricultural technologies to reduce land degradation in form of deforestation, erosion and nutrient depletion

The potential of productive safety nets to improve food security and enhance more sustainable land management

The effects of resource scarcity and poverty on ability and willingness to conserve natural resources

Some recent publications:

Holden, S. T., Barrett, C. and Hagos, F. (2006). Food-for-Work for Poverty Reduction and Promotion of Sustainable Land Use: Can it Work? Environment and Development Economics 11, 15-38. Abstract.

Holden, S. T., Shiferaw, B. and Pender, J. (2006). Policies for Poverty Reduction, Sustainable Land Management and Food Security – A Bio-economic Model with Market Imperfections.  In J. Pender, F. Place and S. Ehui (eds.), Strategies for Sustainable Land Management in the East African Highlands. International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, D. C. Book

Holden, S. T., Shiferaw, B. and Pender, J. (2005). Policy Analysis for Sustainable Land Management and Food Security – A Bio-economic Model with Market Imperfections. Research Report 140. International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington D. C. Abstract and Full Report.

Holden, S., Lofgren, H. and Shiferaw, B.(2005). Economic Reforms and Soil Degradation in the Ethiopian Highlands: A Micro CGE Model with Transaction Costs. Paper presented at the ECOMOD conference, Istanbul. Abstract

Holden, S. and Lofgren, H. (2005). Assessing the Impacts of Natural Resource Management Policy Interventions with a Village General Equilibrium Model. In B. Shiferaw, H. Ade Freeman and S. Swinton (eds.), Natural Resource Management in Agriculture: Methods for Assessing Economic and Environmental Impacts. CABI Publishing, pp. 295-318. Abstract

Holden, S. (2005). Bio-economic Modelling Approaches for Natural Resource Management Impact Assessment. In B. Shiferaw, H. Ade Freeman and S. Swinton (eds.), Natural Resource Management in Agriculture: Methods for Assessing Economic and Environmental Impacts. CABI Publishing, pp.175-196. Abstract

Shiferaw, B. and Holden, S. (2005). Assessing the Economic and Environmental Impacts of Conservation Technologies and Poverty-investment Linkages: A Farm-level Bio-economic Modeling Approach. In B. Shiferaw, H. Ade Freeman and Scott Swinton (eds.), Natural Resource Management in Agriculture: Methods for Assessing Economic and Environmental Impacts.CABI Publishing, pp. 269-294. Abstract

Holden, S. T., Shiferaw, B. and Pender, J. (2004). Non-farm Income, Household Welfare and Sustainable Land Management in a Less-favoured Area in the Ethiopian Highlands. Food Policy 29, 369-392. Abstract

Holden, S. T. and Shiferaw, B. (2004). Land Degradation, Drought and Food Security in a Less-favoured Area in the Ethiopian Highlands: A Bio-economic Model with Market Imperfections. Agricultural Economics 30 (1): 31-49. Abstract

Holden S. T., Benin, S., Shiferaw, B. and Pender, J. (2003). Tree Planting for Poverty Reduction in Less-Favoured Areas of the Ethiopian Highlands. Small-scale Forest Economics, Management and Policy 2 (1): 63-80. Abstract. Full paper

Some of my earlier work on these issues:

Holden, S. T., Taylor, J. E., and Hampton, S. (2002). Structural Adjustment and Market Imperfections: A Stylized Village Economy-Wide Model with Nonseparable Farm Households. In M. Monasinghe (ed.), The International Library on Critical Writings in Economics: Macroeconomics and the Environment. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, Massachusetts, USA. Abstract

Holden, S. T. (2001). A Century of Technological Change and Deforestation in Miombo Woodlands in Northern Zambia. In A. Angelsen and D. Kaimowitz (eds.), Technological Change and Deforestation. CABI Publishing, New York. Book

Pagiola, S. and Holden, S. (2001). Farm Household Intensification Decisions and the Environment. In D. R. Lee and C. B. Barrett (eds.), Tradeoffs or Synergies? Agricultural Intensification, Economic Development and the Environment. CABI Publishing, New York. Book chapter

Shiferaw, B., Holden, S. T., and Aune, J. (2000). Population Pressure and Land Degradation in the Ethiopian Highlands: A Bio-Economic Model with Endogenous Soil Degradation. In N. Heerink, H. van Keulen, and  M. Kuiper (eds.), Economic Policy Reforms and Sustainable Land Use - Recent Advances in Quantitative Analysis for Developing Countries. Springer Verlag. Book chapter

Shiferaw, B. and  Holden, S. T. (2001). Farm Level Benefits to Investments for Mitigating Land Degradation: Empirical Evidence from Ethiopia. Environment and Development Economics 6: 335-358. Abstract

Shiferaw, B. and Holden, S. T. (2000). Policy Instruments for Sustainable Land Management: The Case of Highland Smallholders in Ethiopia. Agricultural Economics 22: 217-232. Abstract

Shiferaw, B. and Holden, S. T.  (1999). Soil Erosion and Smallholders’ Conservation Decisions in the Highlands of Ethiopia. World Development 27(4): 739-752. Abstract

Holden, S. T., Taylor, J. E., and Hampton, S.(1998). Structural Adjustment and Market Imperfections: A Stylized Village Economy-Wide Model with Nonseparable Farm Households. Environment and Development Economics 4: 69-87. Abstract

Holden, S. T. (1998). Commercial Farmers, Market Imperfections and Deforestation in Land Abundant Tropical Agriculture. Discussion Paper #D-16/1998. Department of Economics and Social Sciences, Agricultural University of Norway, Ås.

Holden, S. T., Pagiola, S. and Angelsen, A. (1998). Deforestation and Intensification Decisions of Small Farmers: A Two-Period Farm Household Model. Discussion Paper #D-26/1998. Department of Economics and Social Sciences, Agricultural University of Norway, Ås.

Holden, S. T. (1998). Shifting Cultivation and Deforestation. A Farm Household Model. Discussion Paper #D-08/1998. Department of Economics and Social Sciences, Agricultural University of Norway, Ås.

Holden, S. T. (1993). Peasant household modelling: Farming systems evolution and sustainability in northern Zambia. Agricultural Economics 9, 241-267. Abstract

Holden, S. T. (1991). Peasants and Sustainable Development: the Chitemene region of Zambia. Theory, Evidence, and Models. PhD-dissertation. Department of Economics and Social Sciences, Agricultural Universityof Norway, Ås.

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