This is an overview of the some of the international research collaborators that I have worked and published papers with. Here are links to their own homepages and other publications they have.


Chris Barrett is a professor at Cornell University where I visited in 2000 and we have written papers together on food insecurity and safetynet programs. He has written many excellent papers within this area and on issues related to poverty dynamics. He has also been a co-supervisor of one of my PhD-students, Sosina Bezu, and invited several of our PhD-students to Cornell University.


Hans Binswanger is now retired but I wrote a paper with him when he was still working with the World Bank. He has given inspiration to many of my studies, including studies on risk and time preferences and how these affect the behavior of poor rural households. The broad framework on Production Relations in Tropical Agriculture (3 papers) is also something I have used a lot in my teaching.


Klaus Deininger is Lead Economist and Land Tenure Advisor in the Development Economics Research Group in the World Bank and has written more papers on land tenure reforms and land markets issues than anybody else. We have collaborated since 2005 written a number of papers together on the impacts of land reforms in Ethiopia.


Hans Lofgren was a Research Fellow in IFPRI when I visited there in 2001. Building on his strong skills in CGE-modelling we developed micro economy-wide CGE model for a food surplus producing area in Ethiopia, using the "Standard CGE-model" of IFPRI and including various market imperfections and environmental externalities and assessing policy instruments to internalize these. Later he came to our unversity together with Sherman Robinson and gave a PhD-course in CGE-modelling to Nordic PhD-students.


Kei Otsuka is a professor in development economics at the Foundation for Advanced Studies on International Development, Tokyo, and Visiting Professor at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Tokyo. He is currently the president of the International Association of Agricultural Economists. We have coedited the book The Emergence of Land Markets in Africa: Impacts on Poverty, Equity, and Efficiency. And we are currently working on a new book on land reforms and their impacts. He has made many contributions to the literature particularly related to land tenure policies and their impacts in Asia and Africa.


John Pender was a Research Fellow at IFPRI and coordinated the Policies for Sustainable Land Management project in East Africa. I was one of the contributors on that project and we wrote several papers together in relation to this project.


Frank Place is an economist and leader of the Land and People theme at the World Agroforestry Centre (or ICRAF). His main interests are in property rights, technology adoption and impact (especially in reaching the poor and women), and agroforestry and natural resource systems, each with an geographical emphasis on sub-Saharan Africa. We have coedited the book The Emergence of Land Markets in Africa: Impacts on Poverty, Equity, and Efficiency.


J. Ed Taylor is a professor in development economics at University of California, Davis. He came to our university and gave a PhD-course in microeconomics of development and I visited Davis for a short period in 1995, where I started doing micro economy-wide modelling with him and one of his PhD-students. We have a jointly published paper that also has come out in a book edited by Mohan Mohasinghe.


Jintao Xu is a professor in environmental economics at Peking University, Beijing. He is organizing a lot of research on environmental and forest related issues in China. His office there is also one of the offices of the Environment for Development (EfD) network. I have visited there several times and we have worked together on analyzing the impacts of forest tenure reforms in communal forests in China.


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