Farm household economics

My research within the area of farm household economics ranges from development of static and dynamic applied and theoretical models to analyses of a broad range of issues such as identifying impacts of access to new technologies, varying access to markets, implications of imperfect markets, assessing impacts of specific policies such as subsidies and taxes, behavioural responses to and impacts of shocks, risk, and safety nets, exploration of alternative policy instruments to enhance more sustainable land management and to reduce poverty and enhance food security.


Invited lecture at the Annual Meeting of the Socioeconomics Program of International Mazie and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) 19-24. November 2012 at Mt. Kenya Safari Club, Kenya:"Farm Household Behavior under Imperfect Markets and Implications for Research and Policy"


Holden, S. (2013). Input subsidies and demand for improved maize: Relative prices and household heterogeneity matter! CLTS Working Paper No. 6/2013. Centre for Land Tenure Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway. Link

Holden, S. T. and Shiferaw, B. (2004). Land Degradation, Drought and Food Security in a Less-favoured Area in the Ethiopian Highlands: A Bio-economic Model with Market Imperfections. Agricultural Economics 30 (1): 31-49. Abstract

Holden, S. and Lofgren, H. (2005). Assessing the Impacts of Natural Resource Management Policy Interventions with a Village General Equilibrium Model. In B. Shiferaw, H. Ade Freeman and S. Swinton (eds.), Natural Resource Management in Agriculture: Methods for Assessing Economic and Environmental Impacts. CABI Publishing, pp. 295-318. Book

Holden, S. T., Shiferaw, B. and Pender, J. (2005). Policy Analysis for Sustainable Land Management and Food Security – A Bio-economic Model with Market Imperfections. Research Report 140. International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington D. C. Abstract and Full Report

Holden, S. T. (2001). A Century of Technological Change and Deforestation in Miombo Woodlands in Northern Zambia. In A. Angelsen and D. Kaimowitz (eds.), Technological Change and Deforestation. CABI Publishing, New York. Book chapter

Pagiola, S. and Holden, S. (2001). Farm Household Intensification Decisions and the Environment. In D. R. Lee and C. B. Barrett (eds.), Tradeoffs or Synergies? Agricultural Intensification, Economic Development and the Environment. CABI Publishing, New York. Book chapter

Pagiola, S. and Holden, S. (2001). Farm Household Intensification Decisions and the Environment. In D. R. Lee and C. B. Barrett (eds.), Tradeoffs or Synergies? Agricultural Intensification, Economic Development and the Environment. CABI Publishing, New York. Book

Holden, S. T. and Binswanger, H. P. (1998), Small farmers, market imperfections, and natural resource management.  In E. Lutz, H. P. Binswanger, P. Hazell, and A. McCalla, eds., Agriculture and the Environment. Perspectives on Sustainable Rural Development. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank. Book

Holden, S. T., Taylor, J. E., and Hampton, S. (2002). Structural Adjustment and Market Imperfections: A Stylized Village Economy-Wide Model with Nonseparable Farm Households. In M. Munasinghe (ed.), The International Library on Critical Writings in Economics: Macroeconomics and the Environment. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, Massachusetts, USA. Link

Holden, S. T. (1993). Peasant household modelling: Farming systems evolution and sustainability in northern Zambia. Agricultural Economics 9, 241-267. Abstract

Holden, S. T. (1993). The potential of agroforestry in the high rainfall areas of Zambia: A peasant programming model approach. Agroforestry Systems 24, 39-55. Abstract

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