EDS 280: Land Rights: An Introduction to Theory, Applications and Policy.
ECN 303: Impact Assessment Methods
ECN 304: Behavioral and Experimental Economics
ECN 350: Development and Environment Economics
ECN 453: Topics in Development Economics
Besides the PhD supervision, I am actively engaged in organizing or co-organizing surveys that students undertake in a country in the south as part of the masters programme. Recently these surveys were undertaken in Ethiopia, Uganda and Malawi. I also supervise the masters theses of 3-6 masters students each year. Most of the students I advise work on development and natural resource issues. The students I am currently supevising are working on issues like: labor productivity, children education, agricultural investment and land market.
The NOMA Programme
The MSc programme in Development and Natural Resource Economics in our department is a collaborative programme which involves four other universities in three countries in the south. The third and fourth semesters take place at UMB in Norway. This programme is funded by
Norad's Programme for Master Studies (NOMA). There are a total of 11 scholarships available for each batch of students. These scholarships are distributed between the participating universities. The first semester is taught by all of the five partner universities for the students from their respective countries. The second semester and fieldwork will take place on a rotational basis at one of the partner universities in the South.
The first batch of students (admitted in 2007) had their second semester at Makerere University, Uganda, and the related fieldwork took place in Uganda. The second batch of students (admitted in 2008) had the second semester at Bunda College, in Malawi .The third batch of students (admitted in 2009) will have the second semester at Mekelle Universtity, and the related fieldwork taking place in Ethiopia. Read more here
Here are pictures from the field work in Malawi and Ethiopia
This program ended in 2011.
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