Sosina Bezu

General area of research

Development Economics with a focus on poverty, food security andRural economy


·         Microeconometrics

·         Applied Economics

·         Impact assessment

·         policy analysis

·         Experimental economics







Sosina Bezu is a researcher at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. She holds a B.A degree in Economics from Addis Ababa University (Ethiopia), a Masters degree in Development and Resource Economics and a PhD in Economics from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Norway). Sosina’s current research focuses on land reform and land policies; livelihood diversification; and poverty and food security issues. Previous to her current position as a researcher, Sosina held an Assistant Professor position at the School of Economics, Addis Ababa University. Sosina has published her work in various international journals including Food Policy, Journal of Development studies, World Development and Environment and Development Economics. Visit this page at IDEAS to access Sosina’s current publications.

Research and publication

Papers in Peer Reviewed International Journals

Bezu, S. and Holden, S. T. (2014). Are Rural Youth in Ethiopia Abandoning Agriculture?. World Development 64: 259–272. Link

Bezu, S. and Holden, S. T. (2014). Demand for second-stage land certification in Ethiopia: Evidence from household panel data. Land Use Policy 41: 193–205. Link

Kiros, Bahre and Sosina Bezu (2013) “"Environmental resource collection: implications for children's schooling in Tigray, northern Ethiopia” Environment and Development Economics, FirstView Article pp 1-19. Link

Bezu, Sosina, Christopher Barrett and Stein Holden (2012). “Does nonfarm economy offer pathways for upward mobility?” World Development, 40(8),pp.1634-1646. Link

Bezu, Sosina and Christopher Barrett (2012). “Employment dynamics in the rural nonfarm sector in Ethiopia: Do the poor have time on their side?” Journal of Development Studies, 48(9) 1223-1240. Link

Bezu, Sosina and Stein Holden (2008). "Can Food-for-Work Encourage Agricultural Production?" Food Policy,  33(6), pp. 541-549. Link

Working Papers

Stein T. Holden and Sosina Bezu (2013). Joint Land Certification and Intra-household Decision-making: Towards Empowerment of Wives? CLTS Working Paper 14/13.2013. Centre for Land Tenure Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway. Link

Bezu, Sosina and Stein Holden (2013). “Land Access and Youth Livelihood Opportunities in Southern Ethiopia”. CLTS Working paper 11/13.  Centre for Land Tenure Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway. Link

Bezu, Sosina and Stein Holden (2013) “Unbundling Land Administrative Reform: Demand for Second Stage Land Certification in Ethiopia”. CLTS Working paper 3/13. Centre for Land Tenure Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway. Link

Bezu, Sosina and Stein Holden (2013). “Generosity and social distance in dictator game field experiments with and without a face”. CLTS Working paper 1/13. Centre for Land Tenure Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway. Link

Bezu, Sosina (2013) “Impact of improved maize adoption on household welfare in Malawi". MPRA paper

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